A Transformative Approach to Co-Creating Community Wealth

We're a network of 9 groups (and growing) that have innovated our approach over a cumulative 70 years of organizational lending and community reinvestment in areas traditional capital investment has left behind. Together we've moved ~$100 million to 484 projects advancing a Just Transition in 181 diverse communities and tribal nations across the 10 regions of the EPA, from Guam to Puerto Rico, Alaska to Texas.

Our growing network includes: Seed Commons, Climate Justice Alliance, NDN Collective, People's Solar Energy Fund, Invest Appalachia, Appalachian Solar Finance Fund, New Economy Coalition, Mountain Association, and The Chisholm Legacy Project.

Join our growing network to co-create community wealth and ensure the Just Transition to regenerative economies

About the Regenerative Economies Network

From left out to leading the way

Traditional capital investment methods have exacerbated systemic inequities and left too many communities underserved and excluded. Our trailblazing non-extractive approach has evolved with and for communities where traditional finance has failed.

Projects built by and for the communities we serve

Too much of community development is all about winners and losers, but we're playing a whole different game. Our expertise is working with communities that have been left behind. We support communities burdened by exploitation and pollution to grow economies of inclusive prosperity grounded in racial and economic justice.
Numa’lo Refillery is an Indigenous and women-owned sustainable goods store, resource hub, and community on the island of Guåhan (Guam) dedicated to the advocacy of a zero waste lifestyle and conscious consumption. It is the first zero waste refillery on Guåhan and has helped the community reduce single-use plastic waste. In 2021, the Climate Justice Alliance Our Power Loan Fund powered by Seed Commons provided this business with a non-extractive loan to expand their line of credit for inventory. Photo courtesy of Numa’lo Refillery. Photographer: Cami D. Egurrola

Why Now

Climate change is a crisis and opportunity for our communities.

Climate change is already unleashing unprecedented challenges that are impacting disadvantaged communities first and worst. Communities on the frontlines of the problem have the expertise to be at the forefront of the solutions.
We know the transition to clean, renewable energy can help stabilize the climate and strengthen our communities, but only if we do it right. We help communities invest in resilience and accelerate the transition towards a pollution-free regenerative economy. The $27 billion from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, as well as philanthropic investments, are critical to to a Just Transition.

What are we doing?

Scaling Community-led Solutions for long term impact

We're 100% values-drive and 100% pragmatic at helping small scale businesses and community projects. We know every community is different so one-size-fits-all approaches don't work. Our approach is patient: slow down capital so we can speed up change.

We have a proven track record

Experience has taught us that justice creates the best ROI. That's why our loans:
  • Ensure a borrower will never end up worse off than they started. Our mission is to build wealth, not steal it
  • Have low-to-no interest rates that create accessible opportunities in even the most underserved communities
  • Are based on deep partnerships and risk-sharing that shows borrowers we're in this together
  • Have embedded technical assistance at every stage of the project to ensure we are maximixing success

Building regenerative economies

  • A transformative approach
  • Non-extractive lending catalyzes lasting impact
  • Co-creating community wealth
  • Bottom-up community accountability
  • Climate justice through scaling community-led solutions